Man, I totally lucked out with my first car. It was a 1973 Cutlass Supreme. I got it when I was 16 and was able to drive, in 1978. My great-aunt sold it to me for $300, which at the time was a fortune. (Fortunately, my dad made a deal with me that he would match my savings dollar-for-dollar, so I had to put away $150 of my own money, made stocking shelves at the local dime store after high school.) We lived in North Carolina, and my great-aunt was in northern New Jersey, so we took a bus up north and drove the Cutlass back down. (Well, my dad drove.) I was a great car, and I took it to college (also in North Carolina). After graduation in 1984, I took a job in Connecticut, and six months after working there, the company relocated to Southern California. On the way out, the Cutlass got totaled while being towed behind a moving truck (hit from behind by another moving truck). So my beloved Cutlass died an ignoble death in the desert hellhole of Deming, New Mexico. RIP, girl. I still miss you. (Note: I'm still looking for a good picture of my car...the one shown his is a 1973 Cutlass Supeme that has the same style as mine. Mine was a pale green.)